
    25-12-2023:Governor Lt Gen Gurmit Singh (Retd) paid obeisance to the Veer Sahibzadas on the occasion of Veer Bal Diwas.

    Publish Date: December 26, 2023

    Governor Lt Gen Gurmit Singh (Retd.) paid a heartfelt tribute to Baba Zorawar Singh, Baba Fateh Singh, and Mata Gujri on the occasion of Veer Bal Diwas, commemorating their unparalleled sacrifice. The Governor hailed the Sahibzaadas as role models for every Indian— their essence encapsulates the spirit of Nation First, embodying a narrative of supreme sacrifice, courage, and valour. Their sacrifice serves as a beacon of traditional Indian values, showcasing unwavering devotion to both faith and the nation.

    The Governor praised their significant contribution, offering sincere homage to their courage and unwavering dedication. Furthermore, it was announced that Veer Bal Diwas will be celebrated tomorrow at Raj Bhavan, with the event being organized by Sanskrit University, Haridwar.


    *The original article of Honorable Governor is attached for publication*

    Veer Bal Diwas

    Honoring the Courage and Resilience of India’s Little Heroes

    Lt Gen Gurmit Singh PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd.)

    Governor of Uttarakhand

    Sikh history has been the topic of debate ever since Sikhism originated. It is not a religion but a way of life. The word “Sikh” means “Seeker of Truth.” As a faith which is deep rooted in love, Sikhism stands for the equality of women and men. It denounces all forms of discrimination and stands for human liberty, equality, fraternity, universalism, freedom of conscience, social justice, ethical living, gender equality, and Charhdi Kala or dynamic power. It believes in love, selfless service, human dignity, self-respect, Simran and Sarbat Da Bhala.

    The Chote Sahibzaadas, Baba Zorawar Singh and Baba Fateh Singh, were the young sons of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. In 1705, during the Mughal era, they bravely refused to convert despite immense pressure from the Mughal authorities. At ages six and nine, they chose martyrdom over forsaking their faith and were consequently executed on December 26th, symbolizing extraordinary courage and unwavering commitment to Sikh principles.

    So, when Honorable PM Narendra Modi JI declared a day to commemorate the Martyrdom of Guru Gobind Singh ji’s sons’, who made the supreme sacrifice for refusing to convert, it resonated deeply with the values of Sikhism. This poignant occasion emphasises his commitment to the welfare and education of India’s children.

    Veer Bal Diwas holds a special place in the hearts of Indians, commemorating the invaluable contributions of children to the nation’s progress. In Sikhism, the echoes of sacrifice are deeply embedded in history, particularly through the lives of the young Sahibzadas. These brave children, demonstrated unwavering courage and made the supreme sacrifice for their faith by upholding the identity and dignity of Khalsa Panth against the Mughals. Veer Bal Diwas, therefore, pays tribute not only to them but also to countless children who have shown exceptional bravery in the face of adversity. It pays homage to these little heroes who have, with unmatched valour, made supreme sacrifices for the nation.

    The strength of these children lies not only in their physical resilience but also in their unwavering spirit and unbreakable determination. Many of them face challenges that would seem insurmountable for adults, yet they confront adversity with a resilience that leaves us in awe.

    The strength of these young heroes lies not only in their physical resilience but also in their unyielding determination to uphold the principles of justice and equality, core tenets of Sikhism. Just as the Sahibzadas faced the tumultuous times with grace and integrity, today’s children draw inspiration from their legacy, demonstrating resilience even in the face of contemporary challenges. Behind every courageous child stands a family that embodies true fortitude, and the Sikh community is no exception. The families of the Sahibzadas, notably their mother, Mata Gujri Ji, demonstrated unparalleled strength and faith in the face of adversity. Their sacrifices continue to serve as a source of inspiration for Sikh families facing challenges today.

    This day also pays homage to the supreme sacrifice of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the fifth Sikh Guru, who was martyred for upholding the principles of Sikhism. The Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism, encapsulates the teachings and sacrifices that form the spiritual backbone of the Sikh community. On this day, Sikhs worldwide reflect on the profound impact of these sacrifices on the ethos of their faith.

    As we celebrate Veer Bal Diwas, let us not only revel in the joy and innocence of childhood but also reflect on the resilience, strength, and sacrifices of exceptional children and their families within the context of Sikhism. The legacy of the Sahibzadas and the sacrifices embedded in Sikh history remind us that the values of compassion, bravery, and justice endure through the ages. By honoring these young heroes, we pledge to create a world where every child, irrespective of faith, can flourish, learn, and thrive in an atmosphere of peace and love. In doing so, we ensure that the sacrifices of these young heroes, both in Sikh history and beyond, are never forgotten.

    Governor Lt Gen Gurmit Singh (Retd) paid obeisance to the Veer Sahibzadas on the occasion of Veer Bal Diwas.(pdf 71 kb)